案例分析Case study
o 产品设计Production design
- 产品设计的实施过程、输入及输出Products design process, input, and output
- 设计优化的方法:DFM The method for design optimizing
- 设计的控制方法The control method of design
- 设备、工装、设施的要求The requirements for equipments, tools, and facilities
- 量具和试验设备清单Measuring tools and equipments list
- 案例分析Case study
o 过程开发 Process development
- 过程开发的实施过程、输入及输出Process development implement, input, and output
- 如何确定产品特性和过程因素的关系How to confirm the relationship between product characters and process factors
- 特性矩阵图Characteristics matrix
- 过程指导书和控制计划Process guide book and control plan
- 案例分析Case study
o 产品和过程的确认Confirmation for products and its process
- 产品和过程确认的实施过程、输入及输出Implement process, input, and output for products and processes confirmation
- 试生产的实施和验证 Production implement and verification
- 案例分析Case study
o 回馈评定和纠正措施Feedback evaluation and correction process
回馈评定和纠正措施的实施过程、输入及输出Implement process, input, and output for feedback evaluating and correcting
- 初期品的管理 Initial products management
- 减少变差与持续改进Variable difference reducing and Kaizen
- 案例分析Case study
o PPAP的适用性Suitability for PPAP
o PPAP要求提交的十九项资料和标准19 items files and standards for PPAP
o PPAP的提交时机和通知要求 Hand over timing and announcing requirements for PPAP
o PPAP不需要提交的情况 The situation of PPAP which doesn’t not to hand over.
o PPAP的提交等级 Hand over classes for PPAP
o PPAP的批准 PPAP approval