PGM589N馬達天線PPAP提交資料清單 |
1.零組件作業規劃及進度管製表(A表) |
Components Development Operation Plan Progress Control Chart.(A Table) |
2.圖面 |
Drawings |
3.物料明細表 |
4.D-FMEA(工程) |
D-FMEA (Engineering DEPT) |
5.D-FMEA檢查清單 |
D-FMEA Checklist |
6.管制計劃表(KPC LIST) |
Control Plan List (CC&SC List) |
7.打樣零件檢查清單(B表) |
Sampling Parts Checklist |
8.裝配流程圖 |
Assembly Flow Chart |
9.製造流程分析表(生技) |
Analysis Table of manufacturing Flow (Technique of Production DEPT) |
10.製造流程檢查清單 |
Process Flow Chart Checklist |
11.P-FMEA(生技) |
P-FMEA (Technique of Production DEPT) |
12.P-FMEA檢查清單 |
P-FMEA Checklist |
13.試驗驗證計劃書(品管) |
14.工裝設備狀況需求表. |
19.status and Requirement Table of Tooling |
15.量測/試驗設備需求表(中英文) |
18.Requirement Table of Measuring/Test Equipment (English and Chinese) |
16.場地平面佈置圖 |
Floor Plan |
17.作業標準書 |
Operation Instructions |
18. 管制計劃 |
Control Plan |
19.控制計劃檢查清單(品管) |
Contorl Plan checklist (Q.C. DEPT) |
20.品質檢查記錄(品管) |
Quality Inspection Record (Q.C DEPT) |
21.管制圖 X-R(品管) |
X-R Control Chart (Q.C DEPT) |
22.量具再生性及再現性資料表(品管) |
Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Data sheet (Q.C. EDTP) |
23.GAUGE R&R報告(品管) |
Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Report (Q.C. EDTP) |
24.計數值量具研究報告(品管) |
Attribute gage Study Report (Q.C DEPT) |
25.材料證明 |
Certificate of Material |
26.送審保證書 |