

規格 (Specification)

a) 設定chamber 溫度為 -10 ℃

Set the chamber temperature to -10 .

b) 將待測SET放入chamber測試室內﹐並設定chamber至恆溫(5小時),即使更長時間也不會受到損壞。

Placed the SET into chamber and allow it to reach thermal equilibrium (5 hours), although longer will not hurt.

c) 將溫度設定25 ℃﹐濕度60%﹐當其到達這一水準時﹐再打開待測SETAC電源供應器之電源並等待15分鐘。

Changed temperature to 25 .  Simultaneously, switch the humidity controller to 60 %. When the level hits 25 and 60 % RH, turn on the units and start the 15 minutes wait period.

3)  判定標准 (Criteria)


Units are allowed spark, flame and sputter for this period, but operate correctly within 15 minutes.


Recovery shall be judged as the time required for the product to conform to specifications.

4)  (Diagram)