Automatic error recovery is allowed and no operator intervention must be required to recover from the ESD event.
類型Type B:
a) 沒有元件的損毀及需要修理的不良或為恢復數據到規格內而進行的調整。
No component damage or failure requiring repair or adjustment to restore data sheet specification.
b) 允許內存記憶資料丟失、當機。
Temporary memory loss, latch lockup, or change of operating state is allowed.
c) 需要藉由使用者操作恢復(例如開關電源或重新啟動系統)。
Operator intervention required to restore operation must be straight forward; such as power cycling or system reset.
1) 目的 (Objective)
電源瞬間變化產生大量釋放能量的現象﹐主要是由閃電或者轉換感應負載﹐如弧焊﹐ 在工業領域尤其普遍。
Line transients are large energy spikes that occur on the power line, they are caused by lightning or switched inductive load such as arc welders. They are common especially in industrial areas.
These tests are designed to verify compliance of the product to its data sheet specifications while being subjected to a variety of power line transient conditions.
2) 參照 (Reference)
3) 規格 (Specification)
a) EFT/Burst Testing