PES VW-10700RP物性表


Virantage® VW-10700 RP, RFP, RSFP    
Solvay Specialty Polymers   
 Technical Data    


Virantage® VW-series functionalized polyethersulfones (r-PESU) are amorphous, high-temperature sulfone polymers featuring reactive end groups to enhance solubility and improve interfacial properties in epoxy thermosets. Their inherent toughness imparts damage tolerance to thermoset composites and excellent flexibility to coatings. Virantage polymers also offer superior thermal and hydrolytic stability that delivers best-in-class hot-wet performance.

They are especially suitable for incorporation into advanced composite resin systems used to produce high-performance aerospace components and have been used successfully in a variety of thermosetting resin systems including epoxies, phenolics, and BMIs.

Virantage VW-series polymers are available in a range of molecular weights: high (10200), medium (10300) and low (10700). A range of particle sizes are also available to meet formulators' specific needs.

All Virantage PESU polymers are produced at Solvay's state-of-the-art, world-scale facility in Panoli, India under ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 certified quality management systems.


材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效   
资料 1 •  Technical Datasheet
Search for UL Yellow Card •  Solvay Specialty Polymers
供货地区 • 北美洲 • 南美洲 • 亚太地区 
 • 非洲和中东 • 欧洲  
 • 低分子量 • 耐热性,高 • 水解稳定 
性能特点 • 低粘度 • 热稳定性,良好  
 • 非晶性 • 韧性良好  
用途 • 航空航天应用   
RoHS 合规性 • 联系制造商   
形式 • 颗粒料   
加工方法 • 复合 • 涂层  

物理性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
溶液粘度 3 560mPa•s Internal Method
Average Molecular Weight 4 21000g/mol Internal Method
Moisture - Measured at time of packaging 5 1.5% Internal Method
OH End Groups - Measured by titration of end groups 210meq/g Internal Method
Residual Solvent - Measured by Gas Chromatography 0.15% Internal Method
颗粒大小 6  
VW-10700RFP 75.0µm 
VW-10700RP 500µm 
VW-10700RSFP 45.0µm 
热性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
玻璃转化温度 216°C DSC

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2 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。
3 35% solution in DMAc at 40°C
4 Gel Permeation Chromatography with polystyrene as standard

5 Virantage® r-PESU is hygroscopic and may absorb moisture in storage. Dry no higher than 130°C for a minimum of 3 hours if needed.

6 Typical Particle Size ~D90 Particle sizes by sieve measurement