乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物 日本大金 ETFE EP-620
Pr oduc t i nf o r m a t io n
Daikin ETFE is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and ethylene. DAIKIN-Neoflon® ETFE consists of carbon, hydrogen, and fluorine atoms and has molecular structure shown below. Daikin ETFE has a lower melt viscosity than PTFE and can be processed like other thermoplastic resins by the melt flow processes of extrusion, transfer, injection and compression molding. The ETFE polymer may also be crosslinked to provide greater mechanical strength.
hermal Properties: Daikin ETFE offers good heat resistance and is rated for a maximum service temperature of 150°C (302°F).
Chemical Properties: Daikin ETFE provides excellent chemical and permeation resistance including exposure to weathering and UV radiation.
Electrical Properties: A low dielectric constant and dissipation factor exist along with high dielectric strength over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures.
Low Friction: Daikin ETFE offers the lowest critical surface energy of any plastic material in addition to excellent water and oil repellency for non-stick and mold release applications.
High Transparency: Products prepared from Daikin ETFE are transparent with good transmittance of both ultraviolet and visible wavelengths; the lowest refractive index of any plastic and characterized by very low light reflection.
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
Pellets Due to its excellent melt flow properties, Daikin ETFE can be processed in the same way as other
thermoplastic resins. Daikin ETFE is also highly suited to such secondary processes as welding and flaring
Property Test Method EP-506 EP-521 EP-526 EP-541 EP-546 EP-610 EP-620 EP-7000
Bulk Density (g/l) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Specific Gravity ASTM 1.72-1.76 1.72-1.76 1.72-1.76 1.72-1.76 1.72-1.76 1.83-1.88 1.83-1.88 1.72-1.76
Melt Flow Rate ASTM 30-40 8.1-16.0 9.0-15.0 4.0-8.0 4.0-8.9 28-33 9-18 15.0-25.0
(g/10min) D2116
Melting Point °C ASTM 249-259 260-270 249-259 260-270 249-259 218-228 218-228 251-259
Continuous Service 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Temperature (°C)
Tensile Strength ASTM D638 39 40 40 40 40 28 28 30
(MPa), min
Elongation ASTM D2116 350 350 350 350 350 300 300 350
(%), min
Compressive Strength ASTM D695 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7
(MPa) 1 % Deformation,
MIT Flex, cycles ASTM D2176 13,000 14,000 24,000 18,000 79,000 100,000 600,000 8,500
Dielectric ASTM D150 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Breakdown Strength (V/mil) Short time 1/8 in
VolumeResistivity (Ohm-cm) ASTM D257 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017
Dielectric Constant ASTM D150
103 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
106 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
Dielectric Dissipation Factor ASTM D150
103 8x10-4 8x10-4 8x10-4 8x10-4 8x10-4 8x10-4 8x10-4 8x10-4
106 5x10-3 5x10-3 5x10-3 5x10-3 5x10-3 5x10-3 5x10-3 5x10-3
Combustibility (%) ASTM D2863/ 31 31 31 31 31 50 50 31
Concentration Index
Process Extrusion Extrusion Extrusion Extrusion Extrusion Extrusion Extrusion Extrusion
Methods Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection
Uses Thin wall Thin wall Thin wall Heavy wall Mediumto Wire Wire Automotive
wire wire wire wire large wire insulation, insulation, tubing:
insulation, insulation, insulation, insulation, coatings, electrical cables,films straight,
small parts, small parts, small parts, cable film, &electronic sheets convoluted
films, films, films, jacketing, tubing, parts, mono-,&
tubing tubing tubing valvefittings, small parts containers, multilayer
pipes tubes
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
Polymer Processing The melting point of ETFE ranges from 220 to 265°C. Because of its relatively low melt viscosity,
of Daikin it can be processed at high shear rates without exhibiting melt fracture. Therefore, this resin can be
ETFE Pellets molded into shapes relatively easily. ETFE can be molded by most of the conventional thermoplastic
molding techniques.
Molding Machines
The molding machine should have all materials in contact with the molten resin made of a heat- and
corrosion-resistant alloy. The equipment should have an exhaust duct installed right above the
die where molten resin comes out to remove any toxic fumes or gaseous products resulting from thermal
decomposition. The entire work area should be properly ventilated.
Coating Powders
Product No. Color Bulk Density Description Processing Methods
EC-6500 White 650 0.3-1.0mm thickness Electro-static spray coating
EC-6510 White 650 0.3-2.0mm thickness Electro-static spray coating
EC-6520 White 550 0.1-0.3mm thickness Electro-static spray coating
EC-6820 White 700 0.5-5.0mm thickness Roto lining
<Liquid Primers>
EPW-1609BK Black 10-60µm thickness Air spray coating
EPW-1605GN Green 10-60µm thickness Air spray coating
EPW-1606BL Blue 10-60µm thickness Air spray coating
in America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
Quality/Regulatory: Daikin ETFE pellets comply with the requirements set forth in FDA specification 21 CFR.177.1550
Daikin America’s manufacturing facility is registered to ISO-9001 (Quality System), ISO-14001
(Environmental System) and Responsible Care 14001 (Safety, Health, Environment and Security).
Safety: When ETFE resins are heated to temperatu res above 200°C-26 0°C, some decomposition products
may be given off. These decomposition product s may be harmful , and inhalati on of these fumes must
be avoided. Ovens, process equipment and working area must be adequately ventilated. For
further information, please refer to the material safety data sheet for these products and the Guide
to the Safe Handling of Fluoropolymer Resins published by SPI Inc., The Society of Plastics Industry,
Inc., 1801 K Street, NW, Suite 600K, Washington, DC, 20006-1301 (202-972-5200 ).
Medical Use: These products are not specifically designed or manufactured for use in implantable medical
and/or dental devices. They have not been tested for such applications and will only be sold for such use
pursuant to contract containing specific terms and conditions required by us.
All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without guarantee, warranty or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement, and are not recommendations to infringe any patent. The user should not assume that all safety measures are indicated, or that other measures may not be required.
东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司大量销售塑料乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物 日本大金 ETFE EP-620