PFA 美国3M PFA 3M™ Dyneon™
Fluoroplastic Dispersion
PFA 6910GZ塑料是东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司常年销售的塑料,因为塑料价格行情每天都有新变化前天的报价不等于今天的报价。本公司销售的所有原料保证是原厂原包,随料可以提供生产厂商提供的物性表、SGS报告,COA原料出厂报告,UL黄卡,ROSH报告,reach报告,SVHC报告,提供原料注塑加工工程中可能出现的各种异常现象解决方法,塑料牌号太多,本网站没有提供的本公司也有代理,详情请咨询本公司相关业务人员0769-87795123
Technical Data
Features and Benefits
• Very fine particle size
• Good thermoplastic machinability
• Outstanding soil and dirt repellency
• Excellent UV stability
3M™ Dyneon™
Fluoroplastic Dispersion
PFA 6910GZ
Typical Properties
Property Test Method
Solids Content ASTM D4441 50% Weight
Density of Dispersion ASTM D1298 1.10 g/cc
Specific Gravity of Dry Polymer ASTM D792 2.15 g/cc
Surface Active Ingredients non-ionic
pH ASTM E70 9
Melting Point ASTM D4591 306°C (583°F)
Melt Index 372°C/5 kg ASTM D1238 15 g/10 min
Particle Size ISO 13321 90 nm
Viscosity (D=30s-1) DIN 54453 9 MPa
Note: Data in this document are not for specification purposes.
Product Description
3M™ Dyneon™ PFA 6910GZ is a 50% solids fluorothermoplastic aqueous dispersion. It is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluorinated comonomers, with a melt viscosity several orders of magnitude lower than PTFE.
It can be utilized in coating system formulations and in combination with PTFE dispersions, binding resins and pigments. Due to its small particle size, Dyneon PFA 6910GZ can be utilized for sealing extremely fine-pored substrates.
PFA 6910GZ is applied by dipping, impregnating or spraying. Melting of the polymer particles and film formation normally occurs between 320°C and 380°C (608°F and 716°F). To avoid blistering, we recommend drying the applied coating at a maximum of 90°C (194°F) prior to processing.
This dispersion can be processed in concentrated or diluted form, utilizing either distilled or demineralized water.
Product Form
PFA 6910GZ is furnished in 40 kg (88 lb) drums.
Storage and Material Handling
This aqueous dispersion must be protected from freezing. It should be stored at temperatures between 5°C and 30°C (41°F and 86°F). Although it has a minimal tendency to settle, it is recommended that PFA 6910GZ dispersion be homogenized every six months by slowly rolling for four hours on a drum roller. Before use, the dispersion must be rolled and filtered with a 100-micrometer filter.
This is a fluoroplastic material, so normal precautions observed with fluoroplastics should be followed. Before processing this product, be sure to read and follow
all precautions and directions for use contained in the product label and the Safety Data Sheet and follow all label directions and handling precautions. General handling/processing precautions include: (1) Process
only in well-ventilated areas; (2) Do not smoke in areas contaminated with powder/residue from this product;
(3) Avoid eye contact; (4) After handling this product wash any contacted skin with soap and water. Potential hazards, including evolution of toxic vapors, can exist if processing occurs under excessively high temperature conditions. Appropriate local exhaust ventilation such as vapor extractor units should be installed above processing equipment. When cleaning processing equipment, do not burn off any of these products with an open flame or
in a furnace.
东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司大量销售塑料美国3M PFA 3M™ Dyneon™
Fluoroplastic Dispersion
PFA 6910GZ