注塑级聚四氟乙烯日本大金 PTFE M-12
Pr oduc t i nf o r m a t io n
DAIKIN-POLYFLON PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) molding powders are excellent, fine cut
resins, well suited for a variety of demanding chemical, mechanical, electrical and non-stick
surface applications. These PTFE resins are fully fluorinated and have the best thermal,
electrical, and chemical properties of all fluoropolymers with a continuous service rating of
500˚F (260˚C). DAIKIN-POLYFLON PTFE molding powders are available in homopolymer and
modified fine cut grades.
Thermal Properties: Daikin PTFE molding powders can be used continuously at temperat ures up to 260˚C (500˚F)
and for short periods of time at higher temperatures. They also possess excellent low temperatu re
Chemical Properties: Daikin PTFE molding powders are completely inert to attack by all chemic als except high-
temperature, high-pressure elemental fluorine gas, molten alkaline metals and chlorine triflu oride.
Electrical Properties: The non-polar molecular structure makes Daikin PTFE molding powders ideal for use as high-
frequency insulating material. The dielectric constant and dissipati on factor are uniformly low over
a wide frequency range.
Low Friction: Under ordinary conditions of use, Daikin PTFE molding powders possess the lowest coefficient of
friction of any solid material. Also, the non-st ick properti es of these products prevent most materi als
from adhering to them.
Typical Applications: Chemical/Mechanical—Packings, gaskets, diaphragms, bellows, corrosi on-resistant linings, piping
components, pump parts, O-rings, V-rings, bushings, slide bearings, etc.
Electrical/Other—Insulating skived tape, insulating sleeves, terminals, connectors, sockets, spacers,
electronic parts, laboratory equipment, etc.
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
TypicalProperties PTFE Modified PTFE
Property Unit Test Method M-12 M-15 M-15X M-18 M-111 M-112
Bulk Density g/l ASTM D 4894 350 465 455 480 360 360
Std. Specific Gravity — ASTM D 4894 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.17 2.15
Shrinkage % ASTM D 4894 3.1 4.1 4.4 3.2 4.4 4.6
ASTM Type/Grade ASTM D 4894 II II II II III/1 III/1
Type of Polymer Homopolymer Homopolymer Homopolymer Homopolymer Modified Modified
Selection Guide: Superior General Filled General Excellent Creep Excellent
Mechanical Purpose Compounds Purpose Resistance and Flexibility and
& Electrical Filled Weldability, for Weldability for
Properties Compounds Sheet Linings, Bellows and
Thin Film Gaskets, and Diaphragms
Skiving Compressive
Test Method/Condition M-12 M15 M-15X M-18 M-111 M-112
Melt Point,°C DSC 2nd melt 327 327 327 327 324 323
ContinuousService 500°F (260°C) 500°F(260°C) 500°F(260°C) 500°F(260°C) 500°F(260°C) 500°F(260°C)
TensileStrength1 MPa (psi) ASTMD 4894 43(6,237) 43(6,237) 43(6,237) 43(6,237) 40(5,802) 40(5,802)
Elongation1, % ASTMD 4894 400 400 400 400 500 425
Compressive Strength2 ASTM D 695
0.2%off set, MPa (psi) 7.6(1,102) 7.8(1,131) 7.8(1,131) 7.8(1,131) 8.7(1,262) 7.7(1,117)
1% strain 5.0(725) 5.0(725) 5.0(725) 5.0(725) 5.9(855) 4.7(682)
25% strain 28.2(4,089) 28.1(4,075) 28.1(4,075) 28.1(4,075) 28.6(4,147) 28.3(4,103)
Compression Creep ASTM D 621
...TotalDeformation, % 25°C-13.7 MPa 18.7 17.2 17.2 17.2 10.6 12.9
Compression Set, % 8.8 8.6 8.6 8.6 3.0 4.8
...TotalDeformation, % 100°C-13.7 MPa 31.4 33.3 33.3 33.3 21.7 24.9
Compression Set, % 18.5 20.1 20.1 20.1 7.4 8.7
...TotalDeformation, % 200°C-6.9 MPa 26.7 27.0 27.0 27.0 14.9 17.7
Compression Set, % 15.3 16.0 16.0 16.0 4.1 5.0
MIT FlexuralLife ASTMD 2178 7 x 106 5 x 106 5 x 106 5 x 106 3 x 106 27 x 106
SVI (Stretching VoidIndex) ASTMD 4895 270 300 300 300 62 40
Dielectric Breakdown 12.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 13.5 13.0
Volume Resistivity, Ω cm ASTM D 257 > 1018 > 1018 > 1018 > 1018 > 1018 > 1018
Surface Resistivity, Ω ASTM D 257 > 1015 > 1015 > 1015 > 1015 > 1015 > 1015
Dielectric Constant, 103 Hz ASTM D 150 < 2.1 < 2.1 < 2.1 < 2.1 < 2.1 < 2.1
Dielectric Loss, 103 Hz ASTM D 150 < 1 x 10-4 < 1 x 10-4 < 1 x 10-4 < 1 x 10-4 < 1 x 10-4 < 1 x 10-4
11.5mmthick sheet 210 x 20mm sample
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
Processing: The melt viscosity of PTFE is extremely high in comparison with other thermoplast ics, due to its
high molecular weight. Therefore, special-processi ng techni ques are required to mold it. The basic
molding method is to preform the powder, sinter it, and cool it. Physical and electrical properti es of
the molded product depend upon the preform pressure, sintering temperature, sintering time, and
cooling rate. The recommended processing conditions for DAIKIN-POLYFLON PTFE are shown in the
following tables:
Typical Molding
Pressures Product Small Parts Large Parts
(Less than 100 mm dia.) (Greater than 100 mm dia.)
M-12, M-15, M-15X, M-18 15−25 MPa 12−17 MPa
(2,176-3,626 psi) (1,740-2,465 psi)
M-111 20−40 MPa 20−30 MPa
(2,901-5,802 psi) (2,901-4,351 psi)
M-112 20−70 MPa 20−30 MPa
(2,901-10,153 psi) (2,901-4,351 psi)
Typical Sintering
Conditions Preform Size Sintering Cycle
Part Size (mm) Weight Heating Rate Sintering1 Cooling Rate
(O.D./I.D.)xL kg ˚C/hour hours ˚C/hour
50 x 50 0.2 50 5 at 370˚C 50
100 x 100 1.7 30 10 at 370˚C 30
174/52 x 130 6.0 30 12 at 370˚C 30
420/150 x 600 150 50˚C/hour 25˚↔150˚C 20 at 365˚C 10˚C/hour 365˚↔315˚C
3 hours at 150˚C 10 hours at 315˚C
25˚C/hour 150˚↔250˚C 10˚C/hour 315˚C↔250˚C
3 hours at 250˚C 25˚C/hour 250˚↔100˚C
15˚C/hour 250˚↔315˚C
5 hours at 315˚C
10˚C/hour 315˚C↔365˚C
420/150 x 1200 300 50˚C/hour 25˚↔150˚C 30 at 365˚C 10˚C/hour 365˚↔315˚C
5 hours at 150˚C 13 hours at 315˚C
25˚C/hour 150˚↔250˚C 10˚C/hour 315˚C↔250˚C
5 hours at 250˚C 25˚C/hour 250˚↔100˚C
15˚C/hour 250˚↔315˚C
5 hours at 315˚C
10˚C/hour 315˚C↔365˚C
1 For modified PTFE (M-111 and M-112), the sintering hold temperature is 5-10˚C lower.
• For sintering, set the article vertically on a stand provided with a ventilation opening in the center, so that air is allowed to pass through the center of the article, to assist in the interior heating rate of the article.
• Preforming pressure: 15 MPa (2175 psi), double ended pressing, Ram speed: 40 to 60 mm/min. (pressure applied in 4 or 5 stages), Dwell time: 45 min. or more.
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
Packaging: Daikin M-18 and M-15X PTFE moldin g powders are packaged in 100 lb. fiber drum containers
with poly liners. M-12, M-15, M-111 and M-112 are packaged in 110 lb. fiber drum contai ners with
poly liners.
Regulatory: Daikin PTFE molding powders comply with the requirements set forth in FDA specifi cation 21 CFR
Daikin America’s manufacturing facility is registered to ISO-90 01 (Quality System), ISO-14001
(Environmental System) and Responsible Care 14001 (Safety, Health, Environment and Security).
Storage &
Handling: Molding powders tend to form agglomerates easily; therefore, do not store large quantities of
powder in deep containers, and avoid strong vibrations and shock. Storage at temperatures above
19˚C tends to promote agglomerate formation. Should agglomerat es form, keep the powder at less
than 19˚C (ideally 15˚C or below) for two days then sift through a coarse screen and allow to come
to room temperature before molding.
Safety: When PTFE resins are heated to temper atures above 260˚C, some decomposition products may be
given off. These decomposi tion produ cts may be harmfu l, and inhalation of these fumes must be
avoided. Ovens, process equipment and working area must be adequately ventilated. For further
information, please refer to the material safety data sheet for these products and the Guide to the
Safe Handling of Fluoropolymer Resins publishe d by SPI Inc., The Society of Plasti cs Indus try, Inc.,
1801 K Street, NW, Suite 600K, Washington, DC, 20006-1301 (202-974-5200)
Medical Use: These products are not specifically designed or manufact ured for use in implantable medical
and/or dental devices. They have not been tested for such applications and will only be sold for such
use pursuant to contract containing specific terms and conditions required by us.
东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司大量销售塑料注塑级聚四氟乙烯 日本大金 PTFE M-12