注塑级聚四氟乙烯日本大金 PTFE F-205
Pr oduc t i nf o r m a t io n
DAIKIN-POLYFLON PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) fine powders are soft, white polymers that
are produced from PTFE aqueous dispersions. These fine powders possess the lowest coefficient
of friction, the highest heat resistance, chemical resistance, electrical properties, and
non-sticking properties of all fluoropolymers.
DAIKIN-POLYFLON PTFE fine powders readily adsorb organic solvents resulting in the formation
of a paste that can be easily extruded into thin, flexible sections.
Thermal Properties: Daikin PTFE fine powders can be used continuousl y at temperatu res up to 260˚C (500˚F)
and for short periods of time at higher temperatures. They also possess excell ent low temperature
Chemical Properties: Daikin PTFE fine powders are completel y inert to attack by all chemicals except high-temperature,
high-pressure elemental fluorine gas, molten alkali metals and chlorine trifluoride.
Electrical Properties: The non-polar molecular struct ure makes Daikin PTFE fine powder s ideal for use as high-frequency
insulating material. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor are uniformly low over a wide
frequency range.
Low Friction: Under ordinary conditions of use, Daikin PTFE fine powder s possess the lowest coefficient of friction
of any solid material. Also, the non-stick properti es of these products prevent most material s from
adhering to them.
Typical Applications: Insulated Electrical Wire: Electric wire insulati on materi al for aerospace, electric circuits,
transformers, electric motors, industrial wiring, high temperature wiring for power stations, electric
furnaces, vacuum tubes, and wiring subjected to corrosive chemical environments.
Hoses, Tubes For: Fuels, high-temperature or corrosi ve fluids in chemic al or nuclear plants, foods,
chemicals, oil hydraulic equipment, push-pull cables, and wire insulation for electronic equipment.
Thin rods: Pump and valve parts, terminals, bushings, and outer insulators.
Unsintered Tape For: Sealing threaded pipe joints, wraps for chemic al and heat resistance, insulation
of wire or coil, film, and splicing or repairing PTFE extrusion- insulated wires.
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
Typical Properties of Daikin PTFE Fine Powder:
Property F-100 Series F-200 Series F-300 Series
Type of Polymer Homopolymer Modified Modified
Average Particle Size1, µm 500 500 500
Apparent density1, g/l 450 450 450
Melting Point1, ˚C(˚F) 326-328(619-622) 322-328(612-622) 322-328(612-622)
Tensile Strength2, MPa(psi) > 19.6(2842) > 19.6(2842) > 19.6(2842)
Elongation2, % > 300 > 350 > 250
Reduction Ratio3 1,000 Maximum 4,000 Maximum 1,500 Maximum
Selection Guide for Daikin PTFE Fine Powders:
F-104 F-104U F-107 F-131 F-201 F-201L F-205 F-207 F-208 F-301 F-303
Unsintered Tape X X X X
Sealing Tape X X X X
Low Specific Gravity Tape X X X X
Flat Cable X X X X
Tube Wrap X X X
Small Thin Wall Tubing X X X X X
Thin Wall Electric Wire (AWG 16 & smaller) X X X X
Thin Wall Electric Wire (AWG 12 & smaller) X
Thick Wall Electric Wire (AWG 16 and larger) X X
Large Thick Wall Tubing X X
Heat Shrinkable Tubing X X X X
Co-Axial Cable X X X X X X
Expanded X X X
High Stretch Capability X X
Low Extrusion Pressure X X X
Excellent Clarity X X X
High Thermal Stability X X X X X X X X
High Green Strength X X X
Enhanced Stress Crack Resistance X X
Dielectric Constant 2.05 2.05 2.07 2.07 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.10 2.07 2.08
Dissipation Factor x10-4 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 2.1 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1
1 Test Method ASTM D-4895, 2 Test Method JIS-K6891, 3 The reduction ratio refers to the cross-sectional area of the resin inside the cylinder of the extruder (S1) and the cross-sectional area of the resin in the die land (S2), R. R. =S1/S2
Measurement Method: Cave resonance, 12 MHz, room temperature. Test Sample: 0.5 mm thick skived sheet from sintered block. Standard compression molding technique.
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
PTFE Fine Powder
Processing: The typical extrusio n process for Daikin PTFE Fine Powder is shown below:
Daikin PTFE Fine Powder
Blending with Filler & Extrusion Aid
Paste Extrusion
Calendaring Removal of Extrusion Aid (Drying)
Removal of Extrusion Aid (Drying) Sintering
Finished Product: Unsintered Tape Finished Product: Insulated Electric Wire,
Tubes, Rods, Profiles, Shapes
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
ASTM Classification of Daikin PTFE Fine Powders:
Product ASTM Type Grade Class
F-104 D 4895 I 2 A
F-104U D 4895 I 1 A
F-107 D 4895 l 1 A
F-131 D 4895 l 1 A
F-201 D 4895 I 1 or 2 C
F-201L D 4895 I 1 or 2 C
F-205 D 4895 I 3 C
F-207 D 4895 l 3 C
F-208 D 4895 l 3 C
F-301 D 4895 I 1 B
F-303 D 4895 I 4 B
Storage and
Handling: Daikin PTFE fine powder must be in a completely powdered form to enable uniform pouring when
it is blended with extrusion aid. Strong vibrations and shocks should be avoided during transport as
these may cause lumps to form. Store the powder at 15˚C (60˚F) or below. Ideal storage condition s
are a dry location with a temperature of 3-13˚C (38-55˚F). If lumps exist in the powder prior to blend-
ing with extrusion aid, the powder should be sifted, using a No. 8 mesh sieve. Care must be taken to
pour the powder gently into the sieve and not crush the powder particles.
Packaging: Daikin PTFE fine powders are packag ed in 55.1 lb. (25 kg), nestable , plastic drums.
Quality/Regulatory: Daikin PTFE fine powders comply with the requirements set forth in the FDA specificati on
21 CFR 177.1550. Daikin America’s manufacturing facility is registered to ISO-90 01 (Quality System),
ISO-14001 (Environmental Systems) and Responsib le Care 14001 (Safety, Health, Environment
and Security).
Safety: When PTFE resins are heated to temperat ures above 260˚C, minor amounts of decomposi tion
products may be given off. These decompositi on produc ts may be harmful , and inhalation of these
fumes must be avoided. Ovens, process equipment and the working area must be adequately
ventilated. For further information, please refer to the Daikin America Material Safety Data Sheet
for these products and the “Guide to the Safe Handling of Fluoropol ymer Resins 3rd Edition,”
published by the SPI Inc., The Society of Plasti cs Indust ry, Inc., 1801 K Street, NW, Suite 600K,
Washington, DC, 2006-1301 (202-974-5200).
Medical Use: These products are not specifically design ed or manufactured for use in implantable medical
and/or dental devices. They have not been tested for such applications and will only be sold for such
use pursuant to contract containing specific terms and conditions required by us.
All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without guarantee,
warranty or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are
made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement, and are not recommendations to infringe
any patent. The user should not assume that all safety measures are indicated, or that other measures may not be required.
东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司大量销售塑料注塑级聚四氟乙烯 日本大金 PTFE F-205