注塑级聚四氟乙烯日本大金 PTFE D-610C
Pr oduc t i nf o r m a t io n
DAIKIN-POLYFLON ™PTFE Aqueous Dispersions
DAIKIN-POLYFLON PTFE dispersions are milky-white aqueous dispersions of stabilized minute particles of PTFE obtained by emulsion polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene. PTFE offers a broad range of desirable characteristics including chemical stability, excellent electrical properties, heat resistance, chemical resistance, non-sticking and low-friction properties, and dielectric characteristics. PTFE Aqueous Dispersions are used in a wide range of applications.
Thermal Properties: Daikin PTFE can be used continuously at temperatures of up to 260˚C and can be used for short
periods at even higher temperatures. Daikin PTFE possesse s excellent low-temperature strength, as
well. Due to these superior thermal properties, Daikin PTFE dispersions are widely used as an
impregnant in high-quality insulation and belting material s.
Chemical Properties: Daikin PTFE is completely inert to attack by all chemicals except high-tempe rature, high-pressure
elemental fluorine gas, molten alkali metals and chlorine trifluoride.
Electrical Properties: Film made from Daikin PTFE dispersion s displays a low, uniform dielectric constant and a
constant dissipation factor over wide frequency and temperatu re ranges. Glass cloth laminate, used
as insulation material, takes advantage of this feature.
Low Friction, Under ordinary conditions of use, Daikin PTFE possesse s a low coefficient of friction and
Non-Sticking Properties therefore, will not cause stickslip. It also possesses an excellent non-st icking quality which prevents
most adhesives from adhering to it. Consequently, materi als such as laminated films and coatings
made of Daikin PTFE dispersions are used in parts for low-load/low-speed precision instruments,
spinning/dyeing belts, etc.
Appearance: Daikin PTFE aqueous dispersions contain a new environmentally-friendly surfactant which provides for a
clearer finish on the end product while leaving less residue than older surfactants.
Typical Applications: Manufacture of cast films, glass fabric laminates, battery binders and impregnated porous materials.
Daikin PTFE dispersions can also be formulated into release coatings by adding fillers, adhesion agents,
pigments and other additives.
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
DAIKIN-POLYFLON ™PTFE Aqueous Dispersions
Typical Properties of Daikin PTFE Aqueous Dispersions:
D-210 D-210C D-310 D-610 D-610C
Polymer Type Homopolymer Homopolymer Modified Homopolymer Homopolymer
Solids Content (wt %) 59-61 59-61 59-61 59-61 59-61
Surfactant Content (wt % on solids) 6.0-7.2 6.0-7.2 6.0-7.2 6.0-7.2 5.5-6.5
Specific Gravity @ 25°C 1.50-1.53 1.50-1.53 1.50-1.53 1.50-1.53 1.50-1.53
Viscosity (cp @ 25°C) 35 max. 35 max. 35 max. 35 max. 35 max.
Critical Cracking Thickness (µm) 14 14 12 28 28
pH 8.5-10.5 8.5-10.5 8.5-9.5 8.5-10.5 9.5-10.5
Particle Size (µm) 0.22-0.25 0.22-0.25 0.22-0.25 0.26-0.30 0.26-0.30
Selection Guide for Daikin PTFE Aqueous Dispersions:
D-210 D-210C D-310 D-610 D-610C
Glass Cloth Coating X X X
Battery Binder X
Impregnation X X X
Packings X X
Release Coatings X X
Cast Film X
High Molecular Weight X X
High Gloss X
Good Wear X
High Build X X
Low Color and Transparency X X X X X
General Purpose X
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
DAIKIN-POLYFLON ™PTFE Aqueous Dispersions
Relation of Concentration to Specific Gravity
Polymer Concentration SpG. @ 25°C g/l PTFE
(Mass %)
35 1.25 437
40 1.30 518
45 1.34 604
50 1.40 694
55 1.45 799
60 1.51 909
Daikin America, Inc. 20 Olympic Drive, Orangeburg, New York (845) 365-9500 (800) 365-9570 Fax: (845) 365-9515 Web: www.daikin-america.com
DAIKIN-POLYFLON ™PTFE Aqueous Dispersions
ASTM Classification of Daikin PTFE Aqueous Dispersions:
Product ASTM Type Grade Class
D-210 D4441 II 6 B
D-210C D4441 II 6 B
D-310 D4441 Il 6 B
D-610 D4441 II 6 B
D-610C D4441 II 6 A
Storage and
Handling: 1. Normal handling:
Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling these material s.
2. Storage:
Seal containers and store at 38°-77°F. Do not freeze . The dispersi on should be gently
agitated on a periodic basis to prevent settling. High-speed or any kind of violent agitation
must be avoided.
Safety: Dispersion may irritate skin and eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin and eyes.
Wash hands before eating or smoking. In case of contact, flush with water. For contact with eyes,
get medical attention.
When PTFE is heated to temperatures above 260˚C, minor amounts of decomposit ion products
may be given off. These decomposition product s may be harmful , and inhalati on of these fumes must
be avoided. Ovens, process equipment and the working area must be adequately ventilated. For
further information, please refer to the Daikin America Materi al Safety Data Sheet for these
products and the “Guide to the Safe Handling of Fluoropolymer Resins 4th Edition,” published by
the SPI Inc., The Society of Plastics Indust ry, Inc., 1801 K Street, NW, Suite 600K, Washington,
DC, 2006-1301 (202-974-5200).
Packaging: Daikin PTFE Dispersions are available in 210 lb. fiber drums and 2,000 lb. totes.
Quality/Regulatory: Daikin PTFE aqueous dispersions meet the requirements set forth in the FDA specification
21 CFR 177.1550. Daikin America’s manufacturing facility is registered to ISO-90 01 (Quality System),
ISO-14001 (Environmental Systems) and Responsi ble Care 14001 (Safety, Health , Environment and
Medical Use: These products are not specifically design ed or manufactured for use in implantable medical and/or
dental devices. They have not been tested for such applications and we will only sell them for such
use pursuant to contract containing specific terms and conditions required by us.
All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without guarantee, warranty or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement, and are not recommendations to infringe any patent. The user should not assume that all safety measures are indicated, or that other measures may not be required.
东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司大量销售塑料注塑级聚四氟乙烯 日本大金 PTFE D-610C